Saturday, December 31, 2005


gOoD bYe 2005, tHe yEaR oF tHe sToRm aS I cAlL iT

wElCoMe 2006

Rumor Has It or does it?

The "Rumor" is that this Daughter, played flawlessly by Jennifer Aniston, from a wealthy family in Pasadena learns that her Grandmother was the basis of the movie "The Graduate".
To complicate matters she feels out of place with her family, always feeling that she didn't fit in.
As if she was from another family and was adopted or maybe her mother had an affair and her father was a different man.
Her mother passed away years before so she needs her info from her Grandmother.
Enter Shirley MacLaine who looks great and its a pleasure to see her back on screen.
After stumbling on a few facts about her past, Jennifer finds out that her mom disappeared a week before she got married and that she had an affair with this guy named Beau Burrows played by a really bad looking Kevin Costner.
Sorry but there scenes that I felt very uncomfortable seeing only because how old Kevin looked.
Mark Ruffalo plays the boyfriend again it feels like the same old character that I've seen many times before.
You know he has this freaky voice that would work well in a horror movie, he should do something like that or just something different.
But with how hard it is to get work in Hollywood I guess any work he can get is better then starving.
So without telling you the whole story, let me just say go to blockbuster and watch this.
Its too slow and sad and predictable to be a movie theatre film.
But watching it in the comfort of your home with your family all around should prove to be an interesting conversation piece at dinner time.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Up Wolf's Creek without a Paddle

This was one of those movies that could never be a success in America.
As I walked out of this movie all I heard was "That movie sucked. It wasn't even scary!"
Now let me set you up with what I just saw.
Based on a true story with true facts, this movie was set in Australia with 3 friends going on a little trip.
While on the way they meet strange and weird people.
They make it to their final destination...Wolf Creek.
Wolf Creek is a giant crater where a meteor had hit years ago.
They spent a few hours there then started to head back.
When they got back to their car they found that it wouldn't start.
After hours sitting around, a friendly drifter shows up to lend them a helping hand.
They get towed back to his little whole in the world and well you can guess what happens next.
This movie was slow as all true stories that are fact based are, but it was very interesting.
The main villain ended up getting off and is wandering around this day as a free man.
That fact alone makes this movie one of the most frightening movies out there.
But I would definitely make it a blockbuster night.
You don't need to see this in a movie theatre.
Just know that freaks are running around and never drink water from a stranger that they don't first drink themselves.
Also if it seems to good to be true, it usually is.
Just be careful and never go with strangers in the middle of the night.
What some of the girls in this movie were doing were just plain stupid.
But I'm not going to start judging.
I'm just glad that the bastard didn't claim everyone life.
If you like true stories then thisis for you.
But be warned... this isn't a flashy Hollywood horror movie.
This was just the facts.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

No Fun With Dick and Jane

Well its official my first Blockbuster movie.
It was almost a sneak in for free but it did have a few moments of happy happy joy joy.
Let me start by saying I like both Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni and Thats probably why its a blockbuster.
So why should you Run Dick Run See Jane Run and See the Audience Run from this movie?
Well its just not funny.
I found myself laughing far too little then I should have.
Especially with Jim in the corner.
I really love that guys humor and I felt ripped off.
Where's my 9 bucks back dude!
Anyway I should've been rolling in the aisle like in 40 Year Old Virgin but instead I was thinking what is going on.
The premise was very predictable so you had to find other ways to entertain.
That was the director's fault as well as the writers.
But unfortunately its the stars that get all the heat.
I guess you can't take a master like Jim Carrey and give him a terrible script and watch him reinvent it anymore.
He was the master at that.
So now we are stuck with the serious actor who every now and then tries to go back to his roots.
Sorry but This Moviegoer will wait to see what the other critics say before plopping down his hard earned cash again.
Everyone dropped the ball on this but I still say its a blockbuster only cause it still has some redeeming qualities.
So go Run to the local blockbuster when this puppy comes out and I'm sure you will find those qualities I was talking about.

Take the Trip to Munich

A very typical Steven Spielberg film, Munich touches on many of the elements that make watching his movies such a joy.
Star Eric Bana has this one scene where after being apart from his wife and newborn child gets a moment from his "mission" to phone home (sorry couldn't help the E.T. ref.) and when hearing his daughter's voice breaks down into tears.
That scene alone is worth the price of a prime time ticket.
Case closed.
But lets say for argument sake you need more convincing.
Well there's the background players.
All very convincing as the team to take out the terrorists who gunned down the athletes from the 1972 Olympics.
The scenes are very shocking and upsetting, but under Steven's very capable hands, it's a sweet sad affair.
I knew little about that horrible moment in time, only that it happened and that some athletes were killed.
This movie, although I am sure is not a true re-telling of the facts, does give us an understanding of what happened that fateful night.
I heard that the Israel Nation has some problem with the story.
I can't see what it would be.
The team is a covert operation and they go around killing the men involved in the Munich Killings, so maybe they didn't like the fact that Steven is basically saying they did this.
But what else are you going to do, when faced with such atrocity.
The moments spent in subtle silence are the best but they also make the movie feel a bit dragged on.
And unlike the King Kong movie, this one did make me feel like it was 2 hours and 50 minutes.
The only problem with the movie that I can see.
But for all the dragged on scenes there are many more great ones.
So pluck down your 9 bucks and see a bit of history worth seeing.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah and all that...

Just a quick note to have a Merry Chanukah and a Wonderfully Happy Christmas. ;)

and a seasons greeting to all

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Harry Potter is getting some stones

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the first Harry Potter that I didn't either fall asleep in or walk out confused why I just lost 2 plus hours of my life as well as 10 bucks.
Now fire had some steam to it and that's what I think I'm been waiting for.
The whole maze scene was great and the underwater game was cool also.
I really liked Viktor Krum and wanted him to come out ahead in the race, sorry Harry but he has my name.
The freaky guy with the eye was a scream and definitely helped move the story along.
And that bath scene with Harry and Moaning Myrtle finally proved that our Harry isn't a boy anymore.
The main baddie Voldemort was cool also and maybe by next movie I'll have the story down pat.
But I must admit its very complicated.
Maybe I should hang with a Potter fan and they can teach me.
But now that I think of it, I'd rather just stay with Lord of the Rings.
Much better in my eyes.
This little 4th installment is worth the price of a matinee ticket.
So what are you waiting for.
Jump on your broomstick and fly over to your local movie theatre before this on disappears.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Memoirs of a Geisha needs a re-write

I know I'm supposed to like this movie.
Rob Marshall did such a great job in Chicago.
I really loved that movie.
But this one was as my friend called it " Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Part 2".
The only problem is that Tiger was and is a fantastic movie that I actually purchased for my collection and this mess just has the old cast in it, but that's about as close it gets.
One of my main problems is just that.
How can you have a terrific cast like the one from Tiger and not put forth a tremendous effort.
I almost feel robbed, no pun intended Mr. Marshall.
I really can't put my finger on what's missing except to say it doesn't have that magic.
You'll hear me say that alot... cause for anyone who knows what I'm talking about, you know what I mean.
And this film has all the set up for a bus load of magic.
And it looks beautiful.
I especially liked the beginning and how dark it was with the dark grays and muted colors.
Then as the love story grows it gets brighter.
But ultimately it just doesn't have any legs to stand on.
Now does this mean its a blockbuster night... no I wouldn't say it was that bad.
But it definitely is a matinee price show.
Just barely.
So go with these low expectations and have a good time.
And make sure to visit the Tiger film director in his movie "Brokeback Mountain".
Who knows maybe next time he'll do a sequel with this cast and do it right.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Brokeback Mountain does the impossible...Breaks my Heart

Once in a while a movie comes along that changes the way you see and think about life.
Brokeback Mountain is that film.
This is such a subtle movie that its hard to realize just how powerful it is.
I remember trying to recall the main characters names after I left the theatre and it wasn't until the ride home that the names popped into my mind.
The sweet shyness of this film doesn't allow you time to react.
Your too busy trying to cope with what you just saw that it takes its time to settle in.
I finally remembered Jake's name Jack Twist and Heath's was Ennis Del Mar but you see it was my mind trying to deal with the power of this movie that it didn't bother with the simple things like names.
It wanted to deal with the bigger picture.
Like missed opportunity and forbidden love.
Now a movie hasn't affected me emotionally in a long time.
I've seen so many of the same rehashed stuff that I really didn't think anyone could come up with anything special.
But this little short story did the impossible... It broke me down and made me cry.
It slowly ate away at my defenses until I was crying like a baby.
I haven't cried in a movie since Titanic and I really thought I had seen too many movies to have one affect me again.
And I didn't cry when I watched it.
In fact it wasn't until after I got home that it started to work its magic on me.
And it wasn't until the next day that I was crying uncontrollably.
You know the kind of crying that makes you breakdown and that has you gasping for air and your nose running.
And after you experience a film like this you know that its time to change things in your life.
And don't think it has anything with the main characters being gay because it has to do with lost love.
We all have felt love that we let slip through our fingers.
We all know that feeling of regret and loneliness.
That's what this film does.
It creeps up on you and before you know it you are crying thinking about what you should have done and then it makes you think that its never too late to try again.
Don't let that someone special get away.
If you love someone and they love you back...Please do not let them get away.
Life is so short and real love only comes once in our lives.
That's what Ang Lee is trying to say.
There are too many special "things" in our life...Do Not Let Them Get Away.
And that also means family where we take them for granted as well.
Call your Mother and tell her you love her.
Spend some time with your son or daughter before they grow up and are married with their own children.
Tell your sister that she means the world to you and thank your brother for all his advice he gave growing up.
Life is too short.
Make the most of what you have.
The time has come to rate this movie and I believe I'll make a whole new category for this film.
Buy the movie when it comes out.
That's better than paying prime time rates and this movie really does deserve to be in your film collection.
But don't let it get out of the theatre cause watching the scope of the scenes on the big screen is breath-taking.
Ang Lee's film has such a beautiful look to it; with the sheep running over the mountain top and the power of small moments like the lake side campfires.
One thing I haven't mentioned is the sex scenes.
Heath Ledger mentioned in an interview that the first kiss was the hardest but afterwards it wasn't bad.
And as a side note, I find it interesting that Heath married Michelle Williams in real life.
Michelle is his wife in the movie and Anne Hathaway is Jake Gyllenhaal's wife.
Both did a terrific job.
Jake by the way said the same about the kiss scene.
The sex in the movie is done with style and grace and it isn't pornographic at all.
All you see is passion between two souls that care very much for each other.
This is one movie that needs to be seen!
Do yourself the favor and experience a touching moment of cinema.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Walk The Line lets June shine

I know I saw this same movie somewhere.
Young kids has a terrible tragedy in his life.
Overcomes poverty.
Fights for his Dream.
Makes it big.
Starts taking drugs to cope.
Cleans up his act and gets the girl at the end.
Am I crazy or have we already seen this story a thousand times.
Does Ray sound familiar.
Now enough of my complaining let me tell you why you should go see this movie.
Cause all those other movies were not about the bad @$$ that was Johnny Cash.
I totally forgot how great he was and how I loved his music.
And Reese was totally working the Oscar nods and I believe she might just get the Golden Guy.
Joaquin Phoenix tried real hard but his freakish jolts and shaking looked a bit too much for me.
I almost felt like he was making fun of Johnny or something.
But something that they were playing around with was the singing.
Joaquin and Reese both sang in this movie and huge props for that.
They sounded great and made me want to by the sound track.
So this is gonna be rated the price of a matinee for all the cool songs and Reese being oh so cute.

The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion The Witch The Wardrobe And The Movie

For a PG movie I have to say it was pretty good.
For a movie with a talking Lion who sounds alot like Liam Neeson is kinda cool.
Having Gabriel the Angel from Constatine playing the evil White Witch was genius.
Having the kids British was a smart move.
All in all this was a very good effort.
My favorite part was Mr. Tumnus played by James McAvoy who decides to spare our little Lucy because she was so cute.
Although I had a Michael Jackson moment, if even for a slight moment, when this half naked man is standing next to this child saying how much she means to him.
The movie was a bit too perfect and if you saw Lord of the Rings then it just doesn't make sense to spend your time here.
But it is worth a look-see so the rating would be the price of a matinee.
Now go have some light-hearted fun and remember not to take life so serious.

Capote walks down the right path

Philip Seymour Hoffman takes the helm of this bio-pic drawn on a very complicated individual and comes out as creepy and cool as his namesake.
Capote was such a freakishly good movie and Phil did what needed to be done to pull it off.
Here you see Capote working on his new book In Cold Blood and how he lies and cheats to get the story he wants.
Poor little Perry only wanted to be liked in everything, and Capote knew how to work that boy good.
I really liked how Philip uses his obvious talents to capture all of Capotes little nuances and I really thought I was watching the real thing.
Clifton did a terrific job as Perry Smith and the chemistry between these two guys was very thick.
I must admit though that I know little about Capote but I feel like I know him now and that I met him somehow.
Now will he be Nominated for an Oscar is another thing.
I for one would like to see that.
He deserves that much.
I guess only time will tell.
So what do I rate this one.... I would say its worth the price of a matinee only because this can be seen on the tv set and you'll get the same feel as in a theatre.
So if you haven't seen it yet what are you waiting for.
Go see Philip earn his Oscar.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I have a feeling Peter Jackson is gonna be a very happy man this weekend.
His new creation has such a mysterious grip on us that we can't help but fall for it.
King Kong is by far a spectacular delight with many exciting and sometimes corny moments.
Don't think you can walk out of the theatre pretending not to have been touched, cause I'm not falling for it.
Peter did an amazing job and so did his cast.
Naomi was a sweet shining beauty that totally brighten up your heart.
Jack Black is great as the slimy producer who will put anyone's life in jeopardy just to get that once in a million shot.
Adrian Brody was charming as the Knight in Shining Armor.
And you can't help but fall for some of the background characters like Jimmy or Lumpy.
And the guy from Early Edition was great as the "Hero" of the story.
Never think you'll get tired in this 3 plus hour movie cause the time just whizzes by.
The island scenes are truly frightening and had me at the edge of my seat.
All in all this was a movie I would suggest seeing with that someone special or even by yourself.
This being my first blog I will have to set up some type of rating system.
Lets do this... I'll tell you on a scale of worth the price or sneak in for free as my basis.
This movie is a worth the price of prime time meaning its worth the full price.
Matinee price movies would be ok but not worth full price.
And blockbuster nights would be it was worth seeing just don't bother paying movie prices.
And finally sneak in for free would be it sucks and I wouldn't even pay blockbuster prices.
So go to the movies this week pay full p[rice for this fantastic piece of cinema and you won't be sorry you did.
Have fun at the movies