Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm leaving on a Jet Li plane...and I AM FEARLESS

Saying goodbye is always a hard thing to do. I don't care who you are, if you really loved that objection of affection then saying goodbye to it is difficult.
Case in point...Jet Li's Fearless.
This is supposed to be his farewell fighting flick so you have to say to yourself..."Damn I hope he goes out fighting in top form."
Well "Fear" not cause he is unbelievably good in this top notch ode to one of his country's greatest inspirations.
The story follows the life of China's Huo Yuanjia and how he fought his whole life to be someone but didn't find out until too late that revenge and arrogance only lead to damnation while clean mind and clean body leads to clean soul.
I really don't want to say too much about the plot so just know that this movie is based on the life of a great Chinese fighter who started the Jingwu Sports Federation to help the world understand his people and to let us know that they are not "Weak men of the East".
Jet Li's interpretation is so superb that it will bring a tear to your eye and a thought to your mind.
I really didn't have a need to see this movie but figured since it was his last martial arts film that I should at least pay my respects.
I would have really hated to miss this small masterpiece and I say now that if Jamie Foxx can win an Oscar for his portrayal of Ray Charles then Jet Li should at least get a nomination for his portrait of Huo Yuanjia.
Ronnie Yu really outdid himself with his direction of Jet Li and should get his country's admiration as well as the world's.
All in all this is a perfect ending to that nasty baddie in Lethal Weapon who kicked Mel's butt to this honorable warrior who truly learned to fight his own demons.
Well done Jet. I am honored to have shared your dream of Huo's.


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