Friday, December 30, 2005

Up Wolf's Creek without a Paddle

This was one of those movies that could never be a success in America.
As I walked out of this movie all I heard was "That movie sucked. It wasn't even scary!"
Now let me set you up with what I just saw.
Based on a true story with true facts, this movie was set in Australia with 3 friends going on a little trip.
While on the way they meet strange and weird people.
They make it to their final destination...Wolf Creek.
Wolf Creek is a giant crater where a meteor had hit years ago.
They spent a few hours there then started to head back.
When they got back to their car they found that it wouldn't start.
After hours sitting around, a friendly drifter shows up to lend them a helping hand.
They get towed back to his little whole in the world and well you can guess what happens next.
This movie was slow as all true stories that are fact based are, but it was very interesting.
The main villain ended up getting off and is wandering around this day as a free man.
That fact alone makes this movie one of the most frightening movies out there.
But I would definitely make it a blockbuster night.
You don't need to see this in a movie theatre.
Just know that freaks are running around and never drink water from a stranger that they don't first drink themselves.
Also if it seems to good to be true, it usually is.
Just be careful and never go with strangers in the middle of the night.
What some of the girls in this movie were doing were just plain stupid.
But I'm not going to start judging.
I'm just glad that the bastard didn't claim everyone life.
If you like true stories then thisis for you.
But be warned... this isn't a flashy Hollywood horror movie.
This was just the facts.


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