Monday, October 23, 2006

The Dearly Departed

Sweet charity and God's mercy, I do believe I have found the first great movie of the season.
Seems all it takes is a great cast, a great director and a great plot. Who knew?
Let me tell you something Academy Voters, you better stop ignoring Leonardo and Mark cause they are two totally awesome entertainers that deserve their due.
Also major props to da main man Scorsese for popping out another screen sizzler. And speaking of Martin's, Sheen was mystifying in that scene where he's protecting DiCaprio's Costigan from being made by Nicholson's Costello. Very intense!
Speaking of Jack, how many great "Joker" moments can you count in this masterpiece. He was in top form popping out scene after scene of unbelievable cinema gems. We are not worthy...we are not worthy.
Matt Damon although spectacular as the "Rat" really fell short of all the over the top performances that were being bleed from these actors. The sheer emotion flowing out of DiCaprio was Oscar worthy as was my man Mark Walhberg who needs at least a nomination under his belt already. His acting has Phoenixed into such a Blaze of Glory that anyone who has witnessed it shouldn't even think twice about this man's award.
Give It To Him Already.
And while we're at it Leonardo DiCaprio needs to go over to Jamie Foxx's house and get his Oscar for Best Actor for The Aviator and then add it for his performance for this role.
All in all just stop wasting time and go see this masterful piece of cinema while you still can.


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