Monday, October 23, 2006

the magically disastrous Prestige

How can a movie with a top notch director, and superb cast and a neat plot bomb? Well it can't silly.
Just look at my review for The Departed and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
BUT!!!! let me tell you this. For all the bells and whistles this movie had going for it (even beating the shot outta Flag of our Fathers) this movie should've been much much much better.
Just like The Illusionist, I figured out the bid mystery midway through. But unlike The Illusionist, this movie didn't pop and sizzle.
Now don't get me wrong, I did like this movie. Greatly due to the fact that anything Michael Caine is in is always a pleasure. And the rest of the cast was good as well.
Hugh Jackman as the obsessed magician, Christian Bale as the fractured magician and even Christopher Nolan doing his best at keeping it all together.
Everything was done well and I believe I would have much more to say but I went for one of my double features and the first movie was The Departed which is one of the best movies I've seen in a while.
I will be the first in line when most of this cast comes together again for a little flick called THE DARK KNIGHT based on a little known character called BATMAN, so don't you worry none Mr. Nolan. Ya ain't losing anyone with this well done piece of crap. Just don't expect me to come flocking to any other little pieces you might fling my way.


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