Tuesday, September 26, 2006

the Illusionist was Magical indeed

Edward Norton is by far the best actor of our times.
He has many actors that vie for his title and some come very close to his absolute brilliance still holds the championship.
Case in point. The Illusionist finds you right inside your heart then travels into your mind while tingling your senses into pure bliss. Edward likes to pick rolls that push the envelope and this one is no exception. As the main character Eisenheim was this magician in the 1900's who dared to fall in love with the upper class. He being a simple carpenter's son could never dream to aspire to that level. He travels to the Far East and Russia picking up little pieces of a much larger puzzle. Years go by and he finds himself defending his upper class sweet heart from a ruthless Prince bent on over turning his father and running his country like he does his women...with a fist of fury.
This movie isn't really a great mystery as I solved most of the riddles, but it is a terrific drama that soars into the mind and rips the heart asunder.
Rufus Sewell is the aforementioned Prince and its so nice to see him play his wacky ruthless self again. Truly the man scares me with that lazy eye of his.
Paul Giamatti is quick becoming the best character actor of our time. Everything he touches these days are brilliant and stunning. Bravo to you Paul I'll keep an eye on you.
The upper class sweetheart was the best mystery to me since I had no idea who it was until the credits rolled. It was Jessica Biel and that just blew me away. When did Jessie become such a wonderful actress like almost over night. I was very pleased with her performance and now have confidence that when Oscar time comes around we'll have an actress to place in the best category. Keep it going Girl!
Just like the locket in this movie, there are such sweet delightful twists and turns that make this more of a fantastic drama then any mystery should be.
You will believe that with imagination anything is possible.



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