Monday, August 21, 2006

the next movie I saw was about Snakes. On. A. Plane.

Right off the bat...this movie isn't gonna win an Oscar. OK. So wipe that out of your mind.
This movie might win a MTV award but forget the Academy Award...o.k.
Now that I got that out of the way just relax baby, chill out and go get freaked watching snakes on a plane slithering their way up and down the isles zapping their prey and biting parts of men that should never be bitten. OUCH!!!
Hey let me tell you I was jumping and screaming and getting very riled up over these little (and sometimes very big) bastards spewing their venom all over the joint.
And they couldn't have picked a better actor to handle this mess then Sam Jackson. (is it ok if i call you sam mr. L Jackson sir)
He was the bomb diggity and I just loved every cheesy scene of this movie.
Yes that's right cheesy cause that's what this freaking movie is.
What were you expecting? A masterpiece?
I just don't get it when people say..."That movie sucked. I mean what was it about?"
I'm sorry but really stupidity is just one of those things I can't stomach.
And I also can't stomach a whole man like that Boa did. Dam I thought I was a horny toad but that Boa had me beat.
So if you want an intellectual movie to stimulate your scenes then go see that movie with Al Gore, but if you wanna get freaked out by people crushing other people to try and escape a horde of killer snakes then go see this flick.
Case closed.


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