Sunday, March 26, 2006

Inside Man is One Heck of a Ride

Pay close attention cause I never repeat myself and I choose my words very wisely...
This is worth a prime time price.
I can't believe how many real good solid movies are out now.
Between 16 blocks and V for Vendetta and now this masterpiece we got ourselves a very near perfect film season going.
Lets take a few moments in this film to show an example of what I mean.
The main reason is Spike Lee who never really impressed me until now.
He has really stepped up his game and put forth a strong product.
Also throughout this movie you see real glimpses into racist situations that resound just as strong as our winner for best picture "Crash".
The acting is such a delight and everyone does their job perfectly.
What is most exciting is how many great movies have been out in such a short time period.
Just wish that it stays with all the summer fare coming at us very shortly.
Spike thanks for whatever you did to expand your knowledge in film-making cause it really does show in this case.

the Libertine was typical Johnny Depp

I was very excited to see this and dragged my mom to see it cause she loves Johnny Depp but within minutes I was very scared I made a terrible mistake.
As Johnny says in the very opening "You are not going to like me" and truer words were never spoken.
His character was so despicable that it really turned me off.
And I found out after the movie that my mom felt the same and that we both wanted to walk out but neither of us did.
And we were both happy we didn't.
By the end of the movie our time spent had payed off.
His character, although not very redeeming, did come though at the end.
So stick with this movie but pay only matinee prices for this puppy.
Anything else would make you not like Johnny's character for real.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

V stands for more than just VENDETTA

I have to admit I was interested in seeing this movie.
I mean it had the same guys that did the Matrix movies so yeah I figured it was probably gonna be alright.
Well I always say if you go into a movie with low expectations and the movie is this good you come out loving what you just experienced.
Now notice I said experienced and not saw.
Thats because you truly have an experience that transcends other movies.
A prime example is the other movie I saw 16 Blocks.
Great movie, very solid and very well acted.
But at the end of the day you leave saying "that was a great movie so what do you want for dinner."
When you leave a film like V for Vendetta its more like "Wow I can't believe England would do something like that and I wonder if they would and I wonder if we Americans would ever do that and " well you get the point.
There are so many complicated moments and mind blowing events here that it really does stand as a wake up call.
I just hope that it isn't so complicated that the general public misses the main point.
Don't let any one person have too much power or we WILL see another Hitler.
This one's going to be in my collection when it comes out on DVD along with the other greats of its time.
With Natalie cutting her hair to Hugo lending his voice after the fact to just plain fantastic performances all around this film should gather some type of award next year.
I would love to see Natalie get an Oscar nod.
See this movie.
Enjoy this movie.
But most of all Understand this movie.

These 16 Blocks are worth walking

OK ladies and gents get out your primetime cash cause I got not one but two fantastic movies to review for you today.
First off in this blog I'll talk about 16 Blocks the new movie by Richard Donner starring Bruce Willis and Mos Def.
I must admit even though Bruce looks like a steamroller ran over him his performance here was top notch.
Can't wait to see the other stuff he has coming out.
He has been so consistent with his quality of work that he is probably the most under-rated actor today.
His performance in Sin City was awe-inspiring as well as with most everything he does.
And this time around you'll see a solid story backed up with solid acting by him and Mos Def who also has my only complaint.
Mos Def's voice is so freaking annoying its almost funny.
He has this whinny squeaky shriek voice that takes a few moments to adjust to.
But after those moments of adjustment you are taken into their world as a down and out cop has to lug a known criminal across town 16 blocks to his hearing with the jury.
Along the way they run into Bruce's ex partner who just so happens to be involved in the case that Mos is ready to testify to.
Anyway go to see this movie, it will entertain as it did me and my mom.
And anyone who read my Hostel review knows how bad that turned out.
But this time its none of that wild sex and trash talk.
Now I know what your thinking...Dam no sex or trash talk forget about this movie... But trust me its worth it.
Very solid good movie here but as I stated earlier I have two reviews to do and the other movie I saw, with my mom again, was extraordinary.
I'll tell you all about it in my next blog... read on!

Monday, March 06, 2006

And the Award Goes To.....

Here goes the Winners of this years Academy Awards.

Best Picture=Crash

Best Director=Ang Lee

Best Actor=Philip Seymour Hoffman

Best Actress=Reese Witherspoon

Supporting Actor=George Clooney

Supporting Actress=Rachel Weisz

Animated Feature=Wallace & Gromit

Animated Short=The Moon and the Son

Live Action Short=Six Shooter

Foreign Film=Tsotsi

Adapted Screenplay=Brokeback Mountain

Original Screenplay=Crash

Music score=Gustavo Santaolalla

Music song=It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp

Visual Effects=King Kong

Sound Mixing=King Kong

Sound Editing=King Kong

Documentary Feature=March of the Penquins

Documentary Short=A Note of Triumph: the Golden Age of Norman Corvin

Cinematography=Memoirs of a Geisha

Costume Design=Memoirs of a Geisha

Art Direction=Memoirs of a Geisha

Film Editing=Crash

Makeup=The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

So lets start with how many I got right.
Best Director, Best Actor, Supporting Actor with Best Actress as my pick but not what I thought the Academy would pick.
I missed Supporting Actress and Best Picture.

Now lets start with what the #~@% that was last night!
The pimp song as an Oscar winner?
OK I get the whole "Let's try to be hip" thinking behind the Academy but you know what...leave that $#!& for the MTV Awards ok.
Where did that class go?
Every freaking country voted Brokeback Mountain as their best picture and we pick Crash?
How does that make us look?
Like morons and tasteless jackasses.
Don't get me wrong, Crash is a fantastic movie and I even bought it on dvd and it made me cry yet again.
But don't stand there and try to tell me it was better than Brokeback Mountain.
Brokeback went above and beyond all the other films to achieve a tenderness and a message that will linger way longer than the message behind Crash.
Of all the awards given there were some that just didn't make any sense.
Like Cinematography given to Memoirs of a Geisha.
Although a beautifully shot movie, Brokeback was visually stunning.
That was probably the best thing about the freaking movie.
Does anyone of these voters in the Academy even know what they are voting for?
Makeup went to Narnia instead of Star Wars? What in God's good name was that?
Now they did get it right on some of the awards.
Costume for Geisha was dead on.
Documentary Feature for the Penquins was perfect.
Film Editing for Crash...right on the money.
Music score for Gustavo in Brokeback was the best award given in my eyes.
That score was perfectly matched for such a sweet subtle movie.
And both Screenplays were exactly what they should've been.
But I have never seen a director win and his picture not win.
What is that?
"OH Ang you did the best job directing but your picture isn't the best."
How is that even possible?
I could go on for hours so I'll just say in my eyes and the rest of the WORLD that Brokeback Mountain is and will always be the best picture of 2006.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oscar Night at the Academy Awards...My List

As tonight approaches I wanted to list my list as well as what I think will win.
I won't go thru every category just the ones that you guys feel are the most important.
It will be S=Should as in what I want and W=Will or what I think will win.

Best Picture: Brokeback Mountain, Capote, Crash, Good Night and Good Luck, Munich
S=Brokeback Mountain W=Brokeback Mountain
Even though this is the year with so many really truly fantastic films I really think Brokeback told a very unique and different story.

Director: Ang Lee-Brokeback Mountain, Bennett Miller-Capote, Paul Haggis-Crash, George Clooney-Good Night and Good Luck, Steven Spielberg-Munich
S=Ang Lee W=Ang Lee
He really does deserve this for crafting this beautiful story.

Actor in a Leading Role: Philip Seymour Hoffman-Capote, Terrence Howard-Hustle & Flow, Heath Ledger-Brokeback Mountain, Joaquin Phoenix-Walk the Line, David Strathairn-Good Night and Good Luck
S=Heath Ledger W=Philip Seymour Hoffman
This was the other category that was very difficult. Terrence was overwhelming as the pimp who wants a better life. Joaquin actually sang all his songs and really channeled Johnny Cash where I feel back in love with him, But Philip actually became Capote in what looked like a ghost coming back to life. If anyone deserves to take the Oscar away from Heath its him.

Actress in a Leading Role: Judi Dench-Mrs. Henderson Presents, Felicity Huffman-Transamerica, Keira Knightley-Pride & Prejudice, Charlize Theron-North Country, Reese Witherspoon-Walk the Line
S=Reese Witherspoon W=Felicity Huffman
Reese Sang all her song and also showed everyone the strength behind Johnny Cash as his loving wife June while Flicity became a man. Dam I still can't believe that was her.

Ok here's a run down of the rest.

Supporting Actor S=Jake Gyllenhaal-Brokeback Mountain (beautiful crying scene that alone he deserves this award) W=George Clooney-Syriana cause he has to take something home. As a side note Matt Dillion was amazing in Crash.

Supporting Actress: S=Michelle Williams W=Michelle Williams Dam you for getting this award and leaving the guys out. LOL

Everything else is up for grabs but I do wish that King Kong and Star Wars Gets something. They both deserve it and Batman Begins as well.

Well I'll see you tonight with the actual list.
Or rather tomorrow cause I'm going be out like a light when this monster ends. :)