Sunday, March 26, 2006

Inside Man is One Heck of a Ride

Pay close attention cause I never repeat myself and I choose my words very wisely...
This is worth a prime time price.
I can't believe how many real good solid movies are out now.
Between 16 blocks and V for Vendetta and now this masterpiece we got ourselves a very near perfect film season going.
Lets take a few moments in this film to show an example of what I mean.
The main reason is Spike Lee who never really impressed me until now.
He has really stepped up his game and put forth a strong product.
Also throughout this movie you see real glimpses into racist situations that resound just as strong as our winner for best picture "Crash".
The acting is such a delight and everyone does their job perfectly.
What is most exciting is how many great movies have been out in such a short time period.
Just wish that it stays with all the summer fare coming at us very shortly.
Spike thanks for whatever you did to expand your knowledge in film-making cause it really does show in this case.


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