Sunday, March 19, 2006

These 16 Blocks are worth walking

OK ladies and gents get out your primetime cash cause I got not one but two fantastic movies to review for you today.
First off in this blog I'll talk about 16 Blocks the new movie by Richard Donner starring Bruce Willis and Mos Def.
I must admit even though Bruce looks like a steamroller ran over him his performance here was top notch.
Can't wait to see the other stuff he has coming out.
He has been so consistent with his quality of work that he is probably the most under-rated actor today.
His performance in Sin City was awe-inspiring as well as with most everything he does.
And this time around you'll see a solid story backed up with solid acting by him and Mos Def who also has my only complaint.
Mos Def's voice is so freaking annoying its almost funny.
He has this whinny squeaky shriek voice that takes a few moments to adjust to.
But after those moments of adjustment you are taken into their world as a down and out cop has to lug a known criminal across town 16 blocks to his hearing with the jury.
Along the way they run into Bruce's ex partner who just so happens to be involved in the case that Mos is ready to testify to.
Anyway go to see this movie, it will entertain as it did me and my mom.
And anyone who read my Hostel review knows how bad that turned out.
But this time its none of that wild sex and trash talk.
Now I know what your thinking...Dam no sex or trash talk forget about this movie... But trust me its worth it.
Very solid good movie here but as I stated earlier I have two reviews to do and the other movie I saw, with my mom again, was extraordinary.
I'll tell you all about it in my next blog... read on!


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