Monday, August 21, 2006

the next movie I saw was about Snakes. On. A. Plane.

Right off the bat...this movie isn't gonna win an Oscar. OK. So wipe that out of your mind.
This movie might win a MTV award but forget the Academy Award...o.k.
Now that I got that out of the way just relax baby, chill out and go get freaked watching snakes on a plane slithering their way up and down the isles zapping their prey and biting parts of men that should never be bitten. OUCH!!!
Hey let me tell you I was jumping and screaming and getting very riled up over these little (and sometimes very big) bastards spewing their venom all over the joint.
And they couldn't have picked a better actor to handle this mess then Sam Jackson. (is it ok if i call you sam mr. L Jackson sir)
He was the bomb diggity and I just loved every cheesy scene of this movie.
Yes that's right cheesy cause that's what this freaking movie is.
What were you expecting? A masterpiece?
I just don't get it when people say..."That movie sucked. I mean what was it about?"
I'm sorry but really stupidity is just one of those things I can't stomach.
And I also can't stomach a whole man like that Boa did. Dam I thought I was a horny toad but that Boa had me beat.
So if you want an intellectual movie to stimulate your scenes then go see that movie with Al Gore, but if you wanna get freaked out by people crushing other people to try and escape a horde of killer snakes then go see this flick.
Case closed.

Do You Want To See A Ghost?

That was the catch phrase for Veronica Mars herself Kristin Bell's new flick "Pulse".
This movie isn't scary as much as it's interesting. I found myself asking questions about many different plot devices and actually liking what I was thinking.
I'm not saying this flick will win any awards but at least it didn't make my girl Vern look bad. I would have been majorly pissed if that had happened especially since I had my mom there and I'm trying to convince her to watch Veronica Mars since it's like one of the best shows on the boob tube these days.
That's not saying that my Battlestar Galactica isn't right up there as well. Word UP!!!
Anyway I digress.
Pulse is like I said moments ago an interesting movie. The thought that we could somehow channel ghosts into the internet and allow them to enter our world through it is fascinating. But does it make a good movie.
Well I say yes.
The beginning was set up good the middle flowed along and the end had a nice twist. What more could you ask for?
And it was nice to see Boone "find" a script after getting "lost" on us.
Ian please make lots of movies so that I can spend all my money watching you up on that silver screen. I just Love seeing you do your thing.
Maybe this really isn't a great movie but it has 2 great actors in it with Kristin and Ian and maybe that's why I liked it...that and the really cool ending. :)
So that's my take. Take it or leave it its up to you.
Just remember to use red tape cause only red tape works.
See you in the Dead Zone.........

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

World Trade Center is worth the mention

Oliver Stone is a weird one to follow.
His movies are always either love 'em or hate 'em.
And that's the people that like his movie not the ones who casually stroll into his flicks by accident.
Anyone want to mention Alexander at this point. I mean WTF was that mess?
Anyway I digress!
We are here to talk about his latest foray into the world of imagination. Unfortunately this time it's far from fantasy.
Nope this time he takes us down the "Born on the Fourth of July" way or the "JFK" route.
This time he gets it right and he gets it right!
World Trade Center needs to be seen if only to remind us Americans (who have a very short attention span) just how terrible September 11th really was .
When my Mom and I went to New York many moons ago we wanted to take the trip up the Empire State Building. I was very excited to do this because I just love that building. When we got there it was either closed for the day or just closed for something else. We were forced to take the trip up the World Trade Center instead. I am so glad that the Empire State Building was closed that day cause I would never have had the opportunity to visit such an amazing feat of architecture.
When I first heard about the movie I didn't know it was gonna be directed by Oliver and to be honest that info actually excited me. I know that of late he really hasn't been in top form but I knew that he knew how to shove something this terrible down our mouths in a way that we wouldn't vomit it back up.
I read an article that the real persons behind this movie were very pleased with the outcome and that's really great to hear because this movie needed to be seen and it needed the blessing of the original men to get it seen.
I was watching an episode of Rescue Me and Dennis Leary was at a bar drinking a very expensive glass of whiskey real fast. When the bartender asked why he was drinking such an expensive whiskey so fast instead of savoring the flavor he mentions to the bartender that its because he doesn't have any money to pay for the drink. Before the bartender can react he starts to rant and rave (as only Dennis can) about his miserable life and how he's a firefighter.
He goes on to say that he would bet anyone in the bar that they couldn't name ONE firefighter from the World Trade Center disaster but that they could name off all of the winners of American Idol!
That really made me think. Are we that shallow a nation that we couldn't even name some of the more powerful, more famous firefighters from this terrible disaster?
To my dismay I couldn't name not one.
That is why this movie is so very important. They name the 2 men who survive and the men that died with them. I'm sorry if that little tidbit was a spoiler but if you knew that story, as you should, then it wouldn't have been too much of a spoil.
The men that lost their lives that day were Antonio Rodrigues, Dominick Pezzulo, Christopher Amoroso and the men that survived were John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno.
This is just five of the thousands of men, women and children that passed away that fateful day.
Please don't forget them. Remember them and that day for ever!

Monday, August 07, 2006

It's time for the Decent....

Six unknown English actresses in a low budget movie equals one hell of a ride.
From the makers of Saw and Hostel comes this wicked and gory mess of a movie that puts every detail into place and spreads it along rather nicely.
BUT I didn't like this movie more than Hostel which in my eyes is so much more than just a gory movie but rather a warning to all those college kids looking for fun in Europe.
The Decent does have you on the tip of your seat scanning the area for those Flukeman knockoffs. But Flukeman was never as blood thirsty on the X files as these freaks of nature.
The best part is the mystery to this movie. As with most of these dark, damp films, they leave you with an air of mystery that's just terrific.
Who are these creatures and how long have they been around?
So many questions and the film leaves you wanting to know.
I smell a sequel in 2 years. ;)
Anyway go see this horrific tragedy and let me know what you thought about that cruel ending.

Ricky Bobby's Ballad was oh so sweet

I have to admit something to you right off the bat...
I like Will Ferrell.
He doesn't always come through but I like his attemps at trying.
Well with the exception of Bewitched which I think they should've just did a remake not that whole movie within a movie.
But I digress...
Ricky Bobby is truly a touching and wickedly funny movie that even had me crying thinking about my dad. You see Ricky and his father really don't know each other as his father is a loner and a drifter much like my pop. But I never had a chance to spend much time with my dad even if it was as absurd as Ricky's was with his dad. How funny would it be to be sitting in Applebee's and have your dad thrown out for misconduct.
That was just one of the scenes that I loved. (and the following scene outside was the scene that made me cry)
The 2 kids in the movie had to absolutely love there roles. I mean the way they act was totally freaking hilarious. The way they treat their grandfather on their mom's side was so wrong. But after seeing that household, all of a sudden mine looked a whole hell of a lot better. :)
His relationship with his best friend (shake -n- bake) was right on the money. Very biting and sincere.
And the French gay racer was to die for. Very cute little role there.
There were so many little comments and tiny jokes that were throughout this movie that made it even more charming.
This movie isn't gonna be for everyone cause quite frankly you can't please all the people all the time, but its a very good start.