Monday, August 21, 2006

Do You Want To See A Ghost?

That was the catch phrase for Veronica Mars herself Kristin Bell's new flick "Pulse".
This movie isn't scary as much as it's interesting. I found myself asking questions about many different plot devices and actually liking what I was thinking.
I'm not saying this flick will win any awards but at least it didn't make my girl Vern look bad. I would have been majorly pissed if that had happened especially since I had my mom there and I'm trying to convince her to watch Veronica Mars since it's like one of the best shows on the boob tube these days.
That's not saying that my Battlestar Galactica isn't right up there as well. Word UP!!!
Anyway I digress.
Pulse is like I said moments ago an interesting movie. The thought that we could somehow channel ghosts into the internet and allow them to enter our world through it is fascinating. But does it make a good movie.
Well I say yes.
The beginning was set up good the middle flowed along and the end had a nice twist. What more could you ask for?
And it was nice to see Boone "find" a script after getting "lost" on us.
Ian please make lots of movies so that I can spend all my money watching you up on that silver screen. I just Love seeing you do your thing.
Maybe this really isn't a great movie but it has 2 great actors in it with Kristin and Ian and maybe that's why I liked it...that and the really cool ending. :)
So that's my take. Take it or leave it its up to you.
Just remember to use red tape cause only red tape works.
See you in the Dead Zone.........


Blogger ruggie2007 said...

I agree that it had two AMAZING actors...Ian somerhalder is not onlu amazing but he is drop dead gorgeous!!! I loved the movie and no i wasnt necessarily scared but i did jump every now and then and i really enjoyed this movie!!! I also agree that I an Somerhalder should make many more movies and maybe even try to make a guest star appearance on smallville even though technically he died...again.....he should come back as a good guy and get back with lana atleast for one or two episodes....anyway...I THOUGHT IT WAS AN AMAZING MOVIE!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008 5:47:00 AM  
Blogger ++++G_H_O_S_T++++ H_O_S_T++++ said...

This movie sucked.... it couldn't scare a two year old.... my dumb, girlfriend thought it was scary and crashed her car from being so scared after watching it but that says it all it sucked and would rather of been playing with my self for those 86 minuts

Thursday, February 14, 2008 7:37:00 PM  

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