Monday, August 07, 2006

It's time for the Decent....

Six unknown English actresses in a low budget movie equals one hell of a ride.
From the makers of Saw and Hostel comes this wicked and gory mess of a movie that puts every detail into place and spreads it along rather nicely.
BUT I didn't like this movie more than Hostel which in my eyes is so much more than just a gory movie but rather a warning to all those college kids looking for fun in Europe.
The Decent does have you on the tip of your seat scanning the area for those Flukeman knockoffs. But Flukeman was never as blood thirsty on the X files as these freaks of nature.
The best part is the mystery to this movie. As with most of these dark, damp films, they leave you with an air of mystery that's just terrific.
Who are these creatures and how long have they been around?
So many questions and the film leaves you wanting to know.
I smell a sequel in 2 years. ;)
Anyway go see this horrific tragedy and let me know what you thought about that cruel ending.


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