Monday, August 07, 2006

Ricky Bobby's Ballad was oh so sweet

I have to admit something to you right off the bat...
I like Will Ferrell.
He doesn't always come through but I like his attemps at trying.
Well with the exception of Bewitched which I think they should've just did a remake not that whole movie within a movie.
But I digress...
Ricky Bobby is truly a touching and wickedly funny movie that even had me crying thinking about my dad. You see Ricky and his father really don't know each other as his father is a loner and a drifter much like my pop. But I never had a chance to spend much time with my dad even if it was as absurd as Ricky's was with his dad. How funny would it be to be sitting in Applebee's and have your dad thrown out for misconduct.
That was just one of the scenes that I loved. (and the following scene outside was the scene that made me cry)
The 2 kids in the movie had to absolutely love there roles. I mean the way they act was totally freaking hilarious. The way they treat their grandfather on their mom's side was so wrong. But after seeing that household, all of a sudden mine looked a whole hell of a lot better. :)
His relationship with his best friend (shake -n- bake) was right on the money. Very biting and sincere.
And the French gay racer was to die for. Very cute little role there.
There were so many little comments and tiny jokes that were throughout this movie that made it even more charming.
This movie isn't gonna be for everyone cause quite frankly you can't please all the people all the time, but its a very good start.


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