Sunday, May 28, 2006

X doesn't mark the spot

X-Men 3 The Last Stand was not quite what I was expecting from the guy who was gonna go the Superman Movie.
You see Bryan Singer was supposed to be the director of this movie but he gave it up to do the new Superman movie that Brett Ratner turned down. Well Brett decided that he liked the idea of doing X-Men and well the rest is history.
OK X-Men 3 is not what you're used to. Its slow in parts and the characters are out of whack. The "feel" of the movie is off and the cast members don't quite have their all in it. I guess they miss their real leader...Sorry Patrick but I guess Xavier wasn't the real power behind these guys.
I feel like the real reason I disliked this movie so much was the audience. There were about three people behind us with a small child in the 10:45 show that must have believed that they were in their living room, cause they were just chatting away like there was no tomorrow. The kid was saying childish stuff like "close your eyes, you can't see this" when Jean and Wolverine were making out. Cute if this was an earlier show but I was there to see the dam movie not play babysitter. And what was even worst was the guy next to me. He made a comment about every single little thing that crossed his mind. Stuff like "I want that wheelchair" to "did you see her change". Really I kid you not the man made countless remarks from start (where the Marvel montage comes over the screen he blurts out...hey it went by to fast I couldn't read it) to finish where he talks about Wolverine and Storm, just so many I lost count.
Now I wasn't there to be tortured by myself nope, I was there with 2 friends from Miami and my mom. My mom actually told the 3 behind us to shush which they did for about 5 minutes then started up again. I went and told the usher to up the volume so I could hear the dam movie over everyone talking.
All this combined with a real lack of movie "Magic" made this a really bad experience. I say wait till the dvd comes out and watch it at home.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Time to Crack the DaVinci Code

I will be talking about specific aspects of plot in this blog. Do Not Read if you don't want to hear plot points.
I have an interesting theory. How would you get someone to fore-go seeing a movie. Would you tell them to boycott the movie or would you tell them that the movie was boring and not to waist your time and money.
That is exactly what some critics are saying about DaVinci Code and alot of people are going to listen. And to tell the truth they will be missing out.
Listen I hear alot of people saying they want to boycott this movie for whatever reason and it just sticks in my want to boycott what? A movie you say. Well that's exactly what this is... A Movie.
Now that I got all that out of the way let me tell you what I thought about this movie. It was interesting and it kept my attention. And with all good stories it made me think afterwards. And that my friends is what the Christian community is really afraid of. How many individuals are going to see this and start to think. I did. And let me tell you what I'm thinking about. Who cares what Jesus did with his manhood. We are told that Jesus was All God and All Man. So why does it matter that he wed Mary Magdalene anyways. He was a man also right? And the point that the Holy Grail was not a cup but something entirely different was a terrific theory. The Holy Grail being the offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was a powerful theory and one that made sense. I must say that recently I have have a crisis of faith and that was after I read the Bible and went to church and such. Christianity just seems to far fetched for me. Now that doesn't mean I have given up on God cause I still believe there is a God but I'm not so sure He's the Catholic one.
Tom Hanks gives a wonderfully dull performance here as well as the rest of the cast. It seems like everyone knows that this movie was going to blow up so they wanted to make it very carefully. Does this make the movie boring? I didn't think so and I watched the 10:15 show after waking up at 6 in the morning going to work getting home taking my mom out to dinner then going to the movies. Now I have to be honest I did fall asleep during the middle part but after my sleepiness wore off I was fine. There was a guy next to my mom that was shouting and screaming so that helped. Oh by the way my mom liked the movie to and she's a Catholic through and through. So that didn't stop her from enjoying a "Movie".
Anyway Go see it or boycott it or miss it cause you think its boring but please do it cause its what you want to do and not because its what others want you to do.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

United 93 a great mother's day flick ;)

Happy Mom's day all.
I went to see this movie with my mom after I drove back from Ft. Myers (about 30 miles south of me) and we missed the time at about an hour too late. So we went back home, sat around the house then realized it was 7:30 and remembered that the flick started around that time. After waiting about 5 minutes for the dam film times to tell us it started at 7:40 we were flying out the door. Can't someone do something about those film time phone lines? Anyway we got there at 7:42ish and asked if the show started where the box office said we had time with trailers. after I spoke to the manager to fix my stupid movie card (I needed my points added...argg!!) we ran to the movie. Well guess what...? there were no trailers and the movie started like 5 minutes ago. I went back to the manager and asked for free passes ( I got free popcorn when she added my points on my card..yeah) then asked if I could see the rest of the movie and use the passes to see the beginning. She said es and thats how I got to watch United 93!!!!
Wow is right!
And after all that I left feeling like I needed more info. I don't think they gave me all the details or at least I didn't feel like they did. Either way I felt like it was missing something. And yes I agree with you, it was that 5 minutes at the beginning that is haunting me. But I still think you should see this film if only to remember how terrible that day was. I was thrilled when the crew and passengers acted against the terrorists and I felt that if they were going to take my life then screw that I was gonna put up one hell of a fight.
All in all I liked the movie and felt it was a nice mother's day movie that we shared together.
I love ya mom!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Poseidon takes you on one hell of a cruise

Dam the lifejackets and screw the life boats this was one hell of a smack in the side.
Wow way to go Wolfgang. You put this ship on a truly rough course and didn't veer too far from the thrill ride. I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish and when the movie ended I finally had a second to breathe. And the guy in front of me was just as excited as me because when the movie ended he promply turned around and told us how much he enjoyed it.
Funny story about this guy. He was a "bit overweight" and when he got up to leave he jumped over the handrail and fell on the ground where he stayed until me and my handicapped mom helped him up. Very freaky incident and wouldn't want to press replay on that one.
But yes I wanted to let everyone know that my new movie buddy is my mom as I have moved to a new city to help her out. I went to see Mission:Impossible with her too and that was an event free showing. Event being the guy who fell.
Well thanks for reading my blog I hope you enjoy this flick as much as I did.
Have a great and beautiful Mother's day everyone.

Mission:Possible w/ Oscar Guy Phillip

Is there any role out there that Phillip Seymore Hoffman can't breathe life into?
He seems to know just how to command his acting ability to stand up and take notice without having to behave too badly. And this role is no different. He has the honor to smack around Tom Cruise and that seems to be the new game these days. I don't feel the need to play but everyone else seems to want to. So Phillip actually gets the chance and he seems thrilled to death about it. Some of those Tom and Phillip scenes are the best scenes around and you just know that somewhere Tom is pulling those feelings from the fact that Phillip has won the Oscar and yet again Tom gets screwed. That has got to piss him off that after all his Oscar nominated roles here is relative "new comer" Phillip and BOOM he wins best actor. Not fair indeed. But the way Tom treats him in the plane has me thinking...Someone is a bit jealous. :)
The only thing wrong with this offering is towards the end I got lost as to who the true villain was. I understand that with these Mission moives you want to throw curve balls and have surprise twists but I feel they needed to add just a bit more storyline to explain how everything feel together. And the main "Death" scene was totally bogus. BOO Mr. Lost/Alias for not giving us a better death.
But all in all it was the best Mission to date and I urge all thrill seekers to take the plundge. You will love most of this movie and leave with a smile.
That is is you choose to take the mission...
This blog will self-destruct after you read this.