Sunday, May 28, 2006

X doesn't mark the spot

X-Men 3 The Last Stand was not quite what I was expecting from the guy who was gonna go the Superman Movie.
You see Bryan Singer was supposed to be the director of this movie but he gave it up to do the new Superman movie that Brett Ratner turned down. Well Brett decided that he liked the idea of doing X-Men and well the rest is history.
OK X-Men 3 is not what you're used to. Its slow in parts and the characters are out of whack. The "feel" of the movie is off and the cast members don't quite have their all in it. I guess they miss their real leader...Sorry Patrick but I guess Xavier wasn't the real power behind these guys.
I feel like the real reason I disliked this movie so much was the audience. There were about three people behind us with a small child in the 10:45 show that must have believed that they were in their living room, cause they were just chatting away like there was no tomorrow. The kid was saying childish stuff like "close your eyes, you can't see this" when Jean and Wolverine were making out. Cute if this was an earlier show but I was there to see the dam movie not play babysitter. And what was even worst was the guy next to me. He made a comment about every single little thing that crossed his mind. Stuff like "I want that wheelchair" to "did you see her change". Really I kid you not the man made countless remarks from start (where the Marvel montage comes over the screen he blurts out...hey it went by to fast I couldn't read it) to finish where he talks about Wolverine and Storm, just so many I lost count.
Now I wasn't there to be tortured by myself nope, I was there with 2 friends from Miami and my mom. My mom actually told the 3 behind us to shush which they did for about 5 minutes then started up again. I went and told the usher to up the volume so I could hear the dam movie over everyone talking.
All this combined with a real lack of movie "Magic" made this a really bad experience. I say wait till the dvd comes out and watch it at home.


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