Monday, April 24, 2006

Don't make a Silent Hill out of a molehill

There were some truly frightening moments in this movie that had me on the edge of my seat. I wasn't expecting that so it was a treat to have had it done but besides that I really think this is more of a blockbuster night.
Here's why.
I saw this movie for free cause A.) I was with Dean and B.) I knew the manager.
So I fear that I liked this movie only cause it was free and if I had payed then maybe it wouldn't have been so nice. But then again maybe I'm being a bit too hard on this film.
I have to admit its very confusing and very gory for a "cheesy" flick. There were moments in this movie that were put there only to freak you out and make you squirm. And daddy likes that. ;) I only wish that it wasn't so full of itself. It left way too many holes and the main plot line wasn't truly conceived.
For instance... the female cop in the movie was either a dream or a ghost or was she? Did she exist or was she a part of the whole ghost town thing.
Anyway I don't want to give too much away but suffice to say that you will leave the theatre a bit perplexed is a guarantee. Or maybe I'm just slow and can't figure out what right there in front of my face. Cause I feel like I got it but I'm not positive. You know what I mean?
Anywho I am digressing. Just go see the movie just don't go during Primetime. Save your money and see a matinee or make it a Blockbuster night. And considering this is a little bit on the scary side then rent this puppy and watch it at night with the lights off.
Hey it just occurred to me that the camera shots in this movie were great. There were scenes where the camera was like miles high above the scene which made it look very cool and scary. very nicely done.
All in all I liked this movie so if you want to just have a fun time out they by all means go see this thing.

American NightmareZ with a ZZZZZ.....

Am I awake yet?
Wow I feel like my Lucky Streak not only ended but was wiped off the face of the planet!
Case in point. The new movie American Dreamz is suppose to be a spoof of American Idol with a satire thrown in about the President and his cabinet. Well from the first couple of seconds I knew I was in trouble. You see Hugh Grant reading about his rating being through the roof and his girlfriend breaking up with him. So of course he turns it around ala Simon Cowell and off we go.
My main problem with this movie is not the terrible plot and the totally nonexistent "feel" but the absence of any true singing. We see Mandy Moore sing a few notes and the Jewish guy Seth Meyers is pretty good as is Omer played by Sam Golzari who Omer-ized everyone. He's also the Iraqi soldier who keeps screwing up so his cousin sends hi,m to live with his rich parents in Orange County to save him from getting killed. Well that doesn't work out to well as President Staton played very blah like from Dennis Quaid gets thrown into being a guess judge and the Iraqi want Omer to martyr himself by blowing up himself and the Prez.
All of this was set up pretty good and even Mandy's Sally Kandoo was set up good but everything just does not blend and there is absolutely no chemistry in this movie what so ever.
The best thing I can say about this mess is that I saw it for free with a pass that I had.
But now that I think of it I just wasted a pass for nothing. :(
Well this is definitely a movie to sneak into cause I wouldn't even suggest renting this garbage.
Sorry guys but this gets my vote for Stink Bomb of the year.
Congrats to all involved.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

My Luck is staying strong with Slevin

This is bizarre!
I have seen too many movies in a row that have been entertaining me way too much.
Am I getting too soft?
Case in point. Last night I went to see Lucky Number Slevin with my friend Dean. We have this thing that we pay at one of those credit card machines and we cheat by paying the senior price. The ticket takers never really notice that cause they are always too busy just checking the house number your in. So we buy our tickets and go into the movie. While there I notice a very strange coincidence. The house we are in is house number "7". Last night was April "7"th and that senior price that I guessed it "7" dollars!
Wow and wow again!
That was way too many sevens for a movie titled Lucky Number Slevin.
But I digress.
The movie is a very entertaining piece of $#!& in the sense that it keeps your interest and throws enough twists to keep you guessing. Although I've seen so many of these movies that I picked up on everything so yeah I guessed the whole plot :(
BUT I still loved the acting as I love everyone of these people even Danny Aiello who's been M.I.A for way too long. Bruce was again in top form and Morgan Freeman is always a pleasure as is his nemesis Sir Ben Kingsley. Lucy Liu is so freaking cute and sassy she's the best and our man Slevin Hartnett is so cool in the lead!
Go catch this flick only because it will entertain you with many great actors and this really cool sound track that bubbles it way through this flick. BTW that was like my fav part this really cool sound track that reminded me of the old mystery movies of the "7"0's. Wow there is that "7" again. Oh and one more thought we went to see the 10:40 show which if you put the 1 from 10 and 4 from 40 you get 14 which is 7 plus 7.
Don't take my word for it check it out in a matinee or yeah even a Blockbuster night.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Slither your way to your local theatre house

At the beginning of Slither there are a bunch of kids walking across the street to go to school and the cross guard says to the kids not to lollygag.
Right after he said that I knew this was gonna be a freaky ride only cause I've been saying that word for weeks now, and out of the blue I hear it in this movie.
Well unfortunately I saw most of the good scenes in the trailer(why do they do that!!!!) but for the most part it was everything I was expecting.
But with any movie do not go into it with high expectations cause you will leave disappointed.
there are many "Slow" moments that take away from the comedy and the horror.
AND I found myself walking into the theatre without paying so I saw this puppy for free.
I just walked in not knowing where to pay and there was no-one there to help me so I was like the heck with it.
I have to say that most of it was also my friend's idea. (He'll get mad if I take all the credit soooo props to you Dean)
I wanted to see more gore in this movie but didn't so that was another disappointment.
But don't think this is a movie I want you to sneak into or even a Blockbuster Night but rather a matinee movie for the sheer fun of it.
It is a throwback to those wonderful B movie days where freaky aliens land and try to kill off the world population and take this planet for there own.
The gore in the movie was good and the "Slugs" looked the part.
And the Zombie/Alien spewing acid knockoff was genius.
All in all its worth a trip to the movies to escape for an hour or so.
SO go have some fun and don't eat anything sticky or gooey while watching this or you'll regret it.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
P.S. loved seeing one of my fav Joss Whedon characters in this too as the sheriff in this sleepy town but the captain in Firefly.