Sunday, April 02, 2006

Slither your way to your local theatre house

At the beginning of Slither there are a bunch of kids walking across the street to go to school and the cross guard says to the kids not to lollygag.
Right after he said that I knew this was gonna be a freaky ride only cause I've been saying that word for weeks now, and out of the blue I hear it in this movie.
Well unfortunately I saw most of the good scenes in the trailer(why do they do that!!!!) but for the most part it was everything I was expecting.
But with any movie do not go into it with high expectations cause you will leave disappointed.
there are many "Slow" moments that take away from the comedy and the horror.
AND I found myself walking into the theatre without paying so I saw this puppy for free.
I just walked in not knowing where to pay and there was no-one there to help me so I was like the heck with it.
I have to say that most of it was also my friend's idea. (He'll get mad if I take all the credit soooo props to you Dean)
I wanted to see more gore in this movie but didn't so that was another disappointment.
But don't think this is a movie I want you to sneak into or even a Blockbuster Night but rather a matinee movie for the sheer fun of it.
It is a throwback to those wonderful B movie days where freaky aliens land and try to kill off the world population and take this planet for there own.
The gore in the movie was good and the "Slugs" looked the part.
And the Zombie/Alien spewing acid knockoff was genius.
All in all its worth a trip to the movies to escape for an hour or so.
SO go have some fun and don't eat anything sticky or gooey while watching this or you'll regret it.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
P.S. loved seeing one of my fav Joss Whedon characters in this too as the sheriff in this sleepy town but the captain in Firefly.


Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

Good review ... I would say "Slither" is just plain fun, which we don't get at the movies very often anymore.

Monday, April 03, 2006 3:55:00 PM  

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