Sunday, January 29, 2006

TransAmerica Ready for my close up

It was such an amazing weekend this past week.
I went to this South African restaurant with my friend from South Africa and after that we went to see this awesome movie.
Just like the restaurant, this movie proved to be quite a satisfying treat.
Felicity Huffman was unbelievable in the role of Bree ( yeah I thought that was funny too, she had the name of another Desperate Housewife).
Bree was first Stanley a man who felt awkward in a man's body and decides to change into a woman.
Well just a week before he's ready to transform in the butterfly, fate decides to drop a load on him.
Seems he fathered a child during a one-night one time fling with some chick that meant very little to him.
And so before the clinic will let him go where very few men have gone before, he must reconcile with his past and meet this teenage boy he produced 17 years before.
Well as you might have guessed much mayhem follows our 2 heroes as they get to know each other.
Bree becomes a church lady who want to help this lonely boy find peace and his father.
But "she" doesn't tell him that he is in fact the very father he's been looking for.
WELL believe it or not our little teenage boy falls in love with our church lady / father and ends up creating much havoc.
All in all this is a wild and crazy ride through the lives of two very scared and lonely people and one hell of an adventure in discovery.
Go spend an afternoon at the matinee watching this movie and you'll see what I mean.
And on Oscar night don't be surprised if a certain Desperate actress walks up and excepts a well deserved award for transforming herself into one totally convincing man.
And I might add the son played by Kevin Zegers was just as wonderful.
A pleasure to see such talent in this unknown, that I feel will become much more known very soon.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Match Point My double whamy night was good

I hate to admit this but after we saw Underworld Evolution me and my movie buddy walked into Match point.
It was kinda crazy for us to do it but what the heck the opportunity just landed on our laps and we went for it.
But I payed for it in many ways.
DAM KARMA!!!! thanks earl for teaching the right way.
This movie was great.
Acting was a bit off with the leads Scarlett and Johathan and I really didn't feel the love between them but I did feel the hate. :)
That alone makes this a matinee showing.
And thats alot coming from a professed Woody Allen hater.
Saw Manhattan along time ago and never liked anything ever since.
But ok he had a couple of good ones but I am just not a fan.
Not until Match Point did I see what was up with Woody. no pun intended
Now remember that Karma thing well let me tell you what it did.
It put me to sleep.
Thats right I feel asleep during the middle of the movie.
Now I know what your thinking... how can I say this is a good movie if I fell asleep during it!
Well remember I had my buddy with me and we have the same taste for movies and I did see enough to know that it was good.
But I would like to see this again all the way through.
Isn't it funny the first I like a Woody Allen movie and I sleep through most of it.
ANYwho go see this film cause as per my Buddy its worth it. ;)

Underworld : EvenBetterThanTheOriginal

Well it doesn't happen to often so when it does take note.
This sequel is better than the original.
Now having said that, the original wasn't all that.
I mean it was ok like a good blockbuster night but not a matinee.
This one's a matinee.
And let me tell you why.
The awesome fight scenes!
The details in the digital are getting so much better in movies that its very exciting to go to movies these days.
I loved so many of the fights that I can easily say all of them rocked.
Kate Beckinsale was great as the DeathDealer who has a secret that no one else has and its a very good secret.
Scott Speedman was actually pretty good for a no name.
His scenes were very captivating and he kept my interest through out the whole movie.
I loved his hybrid and loved how he ripped the mouths off of the Lycans.
Lycans are the werewolves by the way and now that I mention it the original is better explained in this one.
That is another reason this one's better.
And the story is kinda cool too.
Anyway go see this movie for the fun of it.
You won't be let down.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tristan & Isolde...What the #(@& was that!!!

Let me start by stating what my two female friends said to me at the end of this movie.
I said "did you like the movie, cause I've seen this story a million times" and they said " you can never see enough of this kind of movie."
And that my friends is why you never ask a chick to pick the flick.
Sorry I thought that sounded neat.
Ok let me tell you why this is a "Get in for free" movie.
Very simply put, it had no redeeming qualities.
Now my boy James Franco was in the movie and anytime I can see Harry Osborn act is always a good thing, but even his charms were null and void by the mindless drivel that I was just forced to sit through.
The best part about this movie was the fact that my friend payed for my ticket. ;)
But why you ask am I being so harsh on this movie?
Well for starters I went into it with no expectations at all.
And most movies when your expectations are so low will at least entertain enough to please you on some level.
Well not here.
The fight scenes were embarrassing and foolish to look at.
The sex scenes were unbelievable and soulless.
And the love between the two leads was the worst.
I didn't believe for one second that these two belonged together.
And isn't that the whole premise of the dam film.
I was almost expecting Gavin McGraw to come out of the woods andstart singing that song you saw during coming attractions.
I was actually fooling around with a piece of string at one point thinking to myself " Dam I'm missing Desperate Housewives for this."
At least the night wasn't a total loss... I taped Housewives and watched it when I got home.
I guess it was nice that my friends did enjoy the movie and if your a softy you'll probably like this movie but for me...
It was a definitely a movie to sneak into...or get a friend to pay for.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hostel Takeover

Let me give you a bit of advice...
Don't go see this movie with your elderly mother by your side.
It isn't a pretty sight.
Let me explain.
I just got back from visiting my mom on the west coast of Florida where my step father is very ill and is on his death bed.
My mom is up there alone and that is a frightening thought all on its own.
But one day to break the tension of visiting a dieing man in the hospital we decide to go catch a movie.
After viewing all the choices we finally pick Hostel.
I find out later that she thought it was Syriana with George Clooney.
I know what your thinking, this must have been a riot.
Well your almost there.
I did mention to her that it was a horror movie as we were buying the tickets and she did say that it was fine.
Guess I needed to be a bit more detailed in my info next time.
Anyway I'm sitting in the theatre and the stars of this wonderfully disgusting movie are going around Europe for that one last adventure before they fall into the daily grind of law school boredom.
As a part of this adventure they screw every horny chick they can bed and drink and smoke their brains out.
Lots of fun if I was watching the movie with my best bud Dean, a bit achward with your mom squirming and complaining about how vile these scenes are.
In the meantime I'm sinking deeper and deeper in my seat thinking this nightmare can't get any worst.
Well then the killings start and yes as you can imagine... it gets worst.
The scenes are very Quentin Tarantino and I felt very connected to the main characters.
Well by the end of the movie so did my mom and we were cheering for the bastards to get what they deserve.
All in all this is a matanee movie or a midnight madness escape.
Don't go run out to see it especially if your waisting time with your mom.
But go out and see it cause there are plenty of scenes that will have you jumping and wincing and holding down that nasty hotdog you chowed down at the start of this gore fest.
Either way have fun and save a moment to call your mom and tell her you love her.
Cause you never know when you'll be visiting a Hostel and end up like some of the guys and girls here.