Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tristan & Isolde...What the #(@& was that!!!

Let me start by stating what my two female friends said to me at the end of this movie.
I said "did you like the movie, cause I've seen this story a million times" and they said " you can never see enough of this kind of movie."
And that my friends is why you never ask a chick to pick the flick.
Sorry I thought that sounded neat.
Ok let me tell you why this is a "Get in for free" movie.
Very simply put, it had no redeeming qualities.
Now my boy James Franco was in the movie and anytime I can see Harry Osborn act is always a good thing, but even his charms were null and void by the mindless drivel that I was just forced to sit through.
The best part about this movie was the fact that my friend payed for my ticket. ;)
But why you ask am I being so harsh on this movie?
Well for starters I went into it with no expectations at all.
And most movies when your expectations are so low will at least entertain enough to please you on some level.
Well not here.
The fight scenes were embarrassing and foolish to look at.
The sex scenes were unbelievable and soulless.
And the love between the two leads was the worst.
I didn't believe for one second that these two belonged together.
And isn't that the whole premise of the dam film.
I was almost expecting Gavin McGraw to come out of the woods andstart singing that song you saw during coming attractions.
I was actually fooling around with a piece of string at one point thinking to myself " Dam I'm missing Desperate Housewives for this."
At least the night wasn't a total loss... I taped Housewives and watched it when I got home.
I guess it was nice that my friends did enjoy the movie and if your a softy you'll probably like this movie but for me...
It was a definitely a movie to sneak into...or get a friend to pay for.


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