Thursday, January 26, 2006

Match Point My double whamy night was good

I hate to admit this but after we saw Underworld Evolution me and my movie buddy walked into Match point.
It was kinda crazy for us to do it but what the heck the opportunity just landed on our laps and we went for it.
But I payed for it in many ways.
DAM KARMA!!!! thanks earl for teaching the right way.
This movie was great.
Acting was a bit off with the leads Scarlett and Johathan and I really didn't feel the love between them but I did feel the hate. :)
That alone makes this a matinee showing.
And thats alot coming from a professed Woody Allen hater.
Saw Manhattan along time ago and never liked anything ever since.
But ok he had a couple of good ones but I am just not a fan.
Not until Match Point did I see what was up with Woody. no pun intended
Now remember that Karma thing well let me tell you what it did.
It put me to sleep.
Thats right I feel asleep during the middle of the movie.
Now I know what your thinking... how can I say this is a good movie if I fell asleep during it!
Well remember I had my buddy with me and we have the same taste for movies and I did see enough to know that it was good.
But I would like to see this again all the way through.
Isn't it funny the first I like a Woody Allen movie and I sleep through most of it.
ANYwho go see this film cause as per my Buddy its worth it. ;)


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