Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Christopher Reeve Returns w/ Marlon Brando in Bryan Singer's Superman

You might expect me to gush all over this obviously excellent rendition of Superman and his myths. But there are many setbacks to this film.
First and foremost is the Lois Lane with Child plot line.
This Lois Lane plot involves her being involved with another man and with a child in tow.
The man is none other then Cyclops from the other Bryan Singer superhero movie X-Men.
The child is the major spoiler though. Seems Lois and Clark did the deed before he split to search out his homeworld Krypton. Well 5 years later he shows up again and Lois is raising this kid who is 5 years of age. Well we find out that the kid is Kal-El's and that's what scares me.
How can you screw with the Superman myth to the extent that you ignore the comic altogether.
Even in the comics Clark and Lois are married but they stay very clear of the baby issue.
And for good reason, how do you bring a child into the Superman world. How can he be a father.
I just do not like that story line...sorry.
Let me say that the "feel" of this movie was very clean and smooth. When he flys its so slick and effortless that it really does look real.
There's one scene where he saving the world from sure disaster and he flips over while flying to fry some falling glass that's heading towards some innocent bystanders. That scene was so nice and smooth that it was actually beautiful.
And when the credits start at the beginning I got such a feeling of de ja vu that it brought tears to my eyes. I felt like a child again and for that I thank you Bryan.
To see Marlon Brando as Jor-El was amazing and such a treat.
But it was the very scary Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor that captured my attention. He was such a totally evil Lex that it's hard to envision anyone else in that role now...yes even Gene Hackman.
My title states Christopher Reeve Returns in stead of Superman because it feels more like Christopher returning with how Brandon Routh channels his childhood idol.
Both men started out as unknowns and put a simple homeboyish charm to the Clark Kent role.
Kate as Lois was my least favorite role. She just didn't have the umph to pull off the role. Lois is a very strong women not a whimpish girl crying and stuttering her way through life. Maybe that's what happens when you have a child.
I loved how the old Lois and the old Jimmy played bit parts, very nice move.
And Eve as Martha was very nice but couldn't Bryan find a few more lines to throw her way. Most of that opening scene was very quite. In fact alot of the movie was quite come to think of it.
Maybe that's the reason it was so sweet and beautiful. It wasn't all action, it was a bit of action with alot of drama thrown in.
ALL IN ALL THIS WAS A VERY GOOD MOVIE possibly a great movie.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6G9 the SIGN of the BEAST is the OMEN

Wonderful movie go see it!
Now that I got that out of the way lets get to the juicier stuff like seeing this movie on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of the 21st century.
I know that most people just shun this off as some silly ranting of extremists and truth be told I believe that is what saved us...for the most part.
See "the Devil" works off negative energy and I am sure this day gave him quite a boost. But it was all those people that didn't believe that this day was so bad that saved us.
OK enough conspiracy theories let get back to why this was such a wonderful movie.
To try and compare this to the original was quite a task. Gregory Peck and Lee Remick were stunning in the roles as Mr. and Mrs. Thorn so I knew that the leads had a very tough battle ahead. But Liev Schreiber along with Julia Stiles really put in their all. Look you can't say that they did better or worst then Gregory or Lee cause that would not be fair to either group. What you can say is everyone gave wonderfully powerful performances. And what about Mia Farrow as the crazy nanny. With a nutjob like that watching over me I think I would end up as the anti-christ myself. So don't you fret none Damien it wasn't your fault that daddy and mommy tried to kill you. You were just being a kid. NOT!!!
Loved the character played by David Thewlis and in fact there is a bit of a story to that. I was asked what movie do you remember as a kid and why. I told the person asking that the first movie I remember as a kid was the Omen. And the scene that I remember the most was the scene where the photographer gets his head cut off. It had such an impact on me that I had a nervous fit in the theatre. I started freaking out yelling in the movie when my mom leans over and tells me not to worry that this is all fake and that the guy who just died is not dead at all, in fact he's walking around right now. Well I looked up at her and said "oh. OK" I then sat back down and watched the rest of the movie calm and collected.
You see in my mind that guy had died in front of me and I was witnessing hisdeath. That thought totally freaked me out. So when I was told by my mom that everything was good, well that was all I needed to know.
Isn't it weird what kids believe.
Well that's the same feeling I got here. This remake really didn't need to be remade but you know what, I'm glad it was. It brought back that memory and when David got his head cut off I was thrilled to death to know that he was fine and that somewhere in Hollywood he was walking around getting comments from friends and family about how great his character was.
Just go see the movie and have a few "jump out of your seat and skin" moments and have fun.
Ad if you were lucky enough to see it on this day then feel lucky that it added a bit of positive energy to the fore front.
We could all use more Positive force nowadays.
Here's a couple of links I picked up while trying to copy Liev's name. Enjoy

6 6

Julia Stiles
Josh Hutcherson
Mia Farrow
David Thewlis
Pete Postlethwaite
Michael Gambon
Nikki Amuka-Bird
Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick

Monday, June 05, 2006

the BrEaK Up HaD mE At HELLo

How MAny TIMes DO YoU SEe A MoiVE ANd THink HAVen"T i SEEn THis MOVIE before?
DIffERENt ACtorS But THE Same Act.
Sorry I felt like acting a bit crazy but I'm back. Thanks for sticking around.
I wanted to tell you a little story before I start the real blog. I went into the movie theatre to complain about my experience in X-Men 3 and the manager on duty tells me that I should've said something that day cause he can't do anything about it now. I said that I did complain to the usher but he was sticking to his guns and not letting me see the ending of X-Men 3 which for those who didn't read my last blog know I missed mostly the whole thing. Most importantly the very ending after the credits.
Anyway I digress....
Let me start off this little blog by saying that and following it with "I liked this movie".
Maybe it's because everyone else hated it enough to lower my expectations to the point where I could enjoy it, but none-the-less I did laugh. And isn't that what its all about.
Everyone went to see this movie expecting a cute little romance flick starring the new couple to talk about. Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston do make a cute couple and that's why this movie didn't make it. There's this scene where Vince is yelling at Jennifer and it all seemed too real for a moment; then it didn't feel like a movie and rather peering in on their lives. Well I for one do not want to know what goes on behind their doors and this movie proved that point very clearly!
I had heard from my old movie buddy Dean that the movie sucked and I read all the reviews so when my mom heard the movie started she was so excited. She's a true Vince fan and has been waiting for this movie for quite awhile. Well when I told her that I heard the movie sucked she said that she would miss it for me. Isn't that the cutest thing. Well in true cute fashion I told her that I would go see it cause I know how much she wanted to see Vince do his thing, but I warned her about the reviews. Then I told her " lets go see it and make up our own minds." What a concept huh! Thinking for yourself and a bit of sacrifice for the one you love. Hey that's what this movie is trying to say. Isn't it nice to know that my mom and I already knew that beforehand.
This is all more clear by the fact that today is also my birthday and she was willing to miss this for me on my birthday. Well I'm glad I changed my mind cause I truly enjoyed this mess and I actually laughed at many scenes.
It all comes full circle by the fact that I went to get my birthday gifts for myself (comics at the local comic book store located in the mall) and when I got back I just walked right in. Free movie no thanks to the young punk who was pretending to be the manager that day. :) my mom had my ticket with her so I just walked in thinking she had the ticket ripped when in fact she didn't. Nice trick that works sometimes like when the manager was supposed to be kind enough to let you in for real and fate stepped in for him.
So I got to see the end of X-Men 3 after all and I was happy and my mom saw Vince and she was happy and we got to laugh a bit so everyone is happy. :)