Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Firewall blocks the boredom...but that's it

Something about this movie that I want to start off with... I saw it with my mom and because it wasn't Hostel I think I liked it much better then I should have.
Let me explain.
After that painful experience of seeing Hostel with my mom (go check out my review and you'll know what I'm talking about), this movie was so much more relaxing.
And because of it, I think I was willing to give it a better review then it deserved.
This movie is definitely a blockbuster night but not a terrible night just a simple sweet night.
Harrison Ford does his routine schtick where he plays the husband who needs to save his wife and now kids from the bad guys.
From start to finish this movie doesn't offer any twists or turns and just plays by the numbers.
Even the reason why the main baddie goes thru all this is the same old thing...the all-mighty dollar.
Nothing is surprising and everyone does what their suppose to do.
Now enough of the down side...here's why you should rent this puppy.
Harrison Ford doing his regular schtick is still Harrison Ford doing his regular schtick if you know what I mean.
Its just great watching him get all mad and finding a way to seek revenge.
He's just a perfect actor for that kind of thing.
Although I love him in his evil roles.
Much more haunting then the revenge thing.
Everyone else was ok and did their jobs ok especially "Chloe" from 24 who the writers needed to add a few more lines to cause seeing Mary is just plain fun.
Why hasn't anyone caught on to this and given this girl her due.
Anyway go see this movie and do just that...have a little fun.



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